AXI Basics Series

AXI Basics 1 - Introduction to AXI
AXI Basics 2 - Simulating AXI interfaces with the AXI Verification IP (AXI VIP)
AXI Basics 3 - Master AXI4-Lite simulation with the AXI VIP
AXI Basics 4 - Using the AXI VIP as protocol checker for an AXI4 Master interface
AXI Basics 5 - Create an AXI4-Lite Sniffer IP to use in Xilinx Vivado IP Integrator
AXI Basics 6 - Introduction to AXI4-Lite in Vitis HLS
AXI Basics 7 - Connecting to the PS using AXI4-Lite and Vitis HLS